Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Going "Green"

    Semrau’s point for writing this article is most clearly stated with the sentence, “use what you have until it can no longer function. Then it’s time to recycle.” This shows his point because at the end he tells us of his decision to donate his body as a cadaver for medical school, and how this is his “reusing” of his body, once he done with it of course. Throughout the article he does not tell us he is donating his body to science, rather he talks about his careers and his recent renewed interest in surgery. He then tells us that he is applying to Harvard and that acceptance is almost assured, then he drops the bomb… instead of going as a student, he is going as a cadaver. He intentionally leaves this information out because it keeps the readers attention, because they would want to know who in their right mind would take a seventy-five year old man and admit him into medical school, since he will be to old to do surgery by the time he gets out. This intentional omission of information kept me reading, and made me think about donating my body to science as well.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sing us a Song

The message of Luther’s hymn is that Jesus Christ has come and conquered sin and death. To convey this message Luther uses pathos to expression his emotion toward it. One example is the entire last verse, “Praise to God the Father sing… Ever and eternally.” This verse shows his emotion because he is so glad that Jesus had died for us that he wants to praise God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit all his days. Another device he uses is diction to express ideas of Christ’s humble coming with powerful words. One example is in the third verse where he uses the word undefiled. Undefiled is a great word to use because it isn’t just “virgin” like everyone uses to describe Mary. Undefiled makes her sound even more holy and unblemished then any other word can make her sound. One last type of literary device Luther uses is logos. The logos is not quote able but it is assumed. Luther states, in his hymn, all that Christ has done and is still doing for us, and which is why we, as Christians, should praise him and the other parts of the Trinity for “Ever and Eternally.”

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wraith of God vs Saving Grace

1. Rev Borghardt mentions Christ 18 times during his sermon. Some vebs that Christ does in his sermon are: died, rose, reigns, smiles, makes, lives, took on, and makes.

2. In John Edward’s sermon he preaches about the wraith of God on all of us sinners here on earth, and how he will smite us and send us to hell for the fun of it. However, Rev. Borghardt preaches in his sermon of the gift that God has given to us by sending his son to die for us on the cross. The first sermon is really good at preaching the Law, but not effective for us Christians. The second sermon is amazing at preaching the good news that Christ has come and gone to prepare a place for us.