Thursday, February 3, 2011


    In Amusing Ourselves to Death, Postman says that with the invention of eyeglasses we have discovered that we do not need to accept what nature has given us. In his speech at Calvin College, he talks about cloning and how they will be used as “spare parts” just in case someone will need a new kidney or a new lung later on in life. Both of these inventions are great for society, but they both bring up idea that we can improve our lives through these means. With glasses we no longer need to deal with the destiny of anatomy, the destiny of not being able to see clearly, and with cloning the destiny of anatomy of not having extra organs to use when the original fails.
    Postman quotes the author of Being Digit in saying that we will one day become used to talking to machines, which are inanimate objects. In his book, Postman talks about how a person who is strictly oral isn’t used to reading a book and asking question to a text who will not answer in a vocal way. Just like one must adapt to using and speaking to machines, a strictly oral person will have to adapt to reading written words.

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